Ginger is one of our favorites and not just for it’s distinct spicy and sweet flavors. The natural anti-inflammatory properties of ginger have found its way into our top-selling Muscle Rub! Today, we’re going to share why this gnarly ginger root is something we always have on hand.
- Ginger “Tea”: Steep a piece of ginger root in some hot water. Add lemon and honey to taste for an easy sipping tonic and digestive. No judgement if you add a bit of whiskey.
- Feeling nauseous? Chew on a little piece of ginger to help curb your upset stomach. If that’s too strong for you, you can get similar relief from sweeter, commercially-made ginger chews or lozenges.
- Grated ginger, along with some garlic add a potent punch to a pan of sauteed veggies and shrimp. Serve over brown rice or quinoa for a simple dinner.